Torrington Blue Ribbon Commission
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Torrington City Hall, 5 PM Office of the Mayor
Members Present: Mike Clark, Doug O’Connell, Mayor Bingham, Elinor Carbone, and Ed Cook. Also present: Advisors Superintendent Chris Leone and Stephen Nocera
1) Motion to open the meeting was made at 5 PM by Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Cook.
2) The Minutes of the Meeting of 02.04.11 were approved on a motion by Mr. Clark, seconded by Ms. Carbone. Mr. Cook abstained due his having been absent from that meeting.
3) Mr. Clark distributed the revised BRC meeting schedule for the remainder of 2011; there were no comments regarding the schedule change.
4) Member updates of the BRC tasks assigned and schedule concurrence were led by Mr. Nocera with the following comments by commission members:
• Mayor Bingham and Superintendent Leone stated that integration of the City and Board of Education IT Departments would be finalized by March 16th as a component of City budget completion.
• Superintendent Leone stated that discussions were still underway regarding the relocation of BOE offices and that a plan was under review which might include the creation of an alternative high school and an evening adult education program in conjunction with that move. Mr. Leone stated that City Hall was not being considered as a BOE Office relocation site because there was inadequate space in the building to accommodate all offices.
Amended at BRC meeting of 3.15.11 to include:
• Commissioner Carbone stated that she and Commissioner Stephen Todd had completed analysis concerning medical insurance for all City employees and had forwarded the results to the Mayor for further action.
5) Mr. Clark presented a proposal to the commission for recommendation to the Mayor, regarding the elimination of six City Hall vehicles from the fleet. The recommendation included information for a City “loaner” vehicle, and mileage reimbursement for personal vehicle usage. The proposal represented a cost savings in equipment in respect to actual vehicle usage. The proposal was unanimously approved for BRC recommendation to the Mayor on a motion from Ms. Carbone, seconded by Mr. Clark.
6) Other Business.
a. Mr. Clark asked the Mayor to provide his opinion of Governor Malloy’s proposed budget with regards to State assistance to cities. The Mayor stated that he was encouraged by the continuation of education assistance to Torrington, but remained cautious regarding cuts to other City programs. He pointed out that the State budget is far from complete and is based on an assumption of cost cuts that have yet to be negotiated. He continued that he intended to keep the BRC working towards additional cost savings.
b. Mr. Clark asked the Mayor to update the Commission on the status of previously recommended changes to the Elections functions of the City. The Mayor stated that polling sites were being reduced from seven to four and that there would be a commensurate personnel cost reduction amounting to about $30,000 per year. He stated that additional changes recommended were under review and might be included with the final City budget.
c. Mr. Clark asked the commission to consider not adding an additional member to replace Stephen Todd who had resigned due to scheduling conflicts. Mr. Clark stated that the commission might be more productive if a quorum were more easily attainable. He suggested that the BOE commissioner be the attending person from among the BOE three person group of one commissioner and two advisors. The matter will be on the agenda of the next BRC meeting.
7) There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6 PM on a motion from Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Clark.